Submission Guidelines

    1. English abstract submission is open online until October 15, 2019 (Tuesday) at
      Second phase submission is open from March 20 to April 30, 2020.
    2. All abstracts must be submitted via the online abstract submission system. Submissions by post, email, fax or any other means will NOT be accepted.
    3. AUTHORS FIRST (PRESENTING) AUTHOR – The first author will be the presenting author. The first (presenting) author is expected to register and pay the full registration fee, attend the Congress and make the presentation.
    4. Please provide an accurate email address for the submitter. Abstract submission results and abstract-related correspondence will be sent by email to the submitter.
    5. Authors can submit a max of 5 abstracts and they can serve as first authors of 3 submitted abstracts at most. Among the 3 abstracts, they can present a max of 2 abstracts that are of the same presentation type.
    6. CO-AUTHOR(S) – A maximum of FIVE co-authors are allowed for each abstract. Type in the names and affiliations as you would like them to appear in any publication. Please give the names in full for each of the co-authors. Initials are only accepted for middle names if any.
    7. The ABSTRACT TITLE must be concise. Avoid using abbreviations in the title.
    8. Abstract content (excluding title, authors, highest degrees and institutions) should include the following headings: PURPOSE, METHODS, RESULTS and CONCLUSIONS. The abstract must not exceed 250 words. Do not include graphs, tables, images or references in the abstract. Do not mention in the abstract the names of any affiliated institutes, academic institutions, hospitals, eye centers, etc. or names of any individuals involved in the study. Otherwise, the abstract will be rejected outright.
    9. Define each abbreviation the first time it is used in the abstract by placing what it stands for in parentheses.
    10. It is the author’s responsibility to submit an abstract with correct spelling and grammar. The Selection Committee, however, reserves the right to edit the abstract if it has significant spelling and grammatical mistakes.
    11. Successfully submitted abstracts will be acknowledged with an electronic receipt including an abstract reference number, which should be quoted in all future correspondence. If you do not receive an acknowledgement within 24 hours after submission, please contact the Congress Secretariat by email at
    12. The Selection Committee strongly recommends that authors submit their abstracts as early as possible in order to avoid a last-minute rush and system congestion. When the abstract is submitted, it can still be revised until October 15, 2019/April 30, 2020. Kindly note that only the latest version will be reviewed.
    13. Late submissions will NOT be considered.
    14. Submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the Selection Committee. The review process is confidential and the decision is final.
    15. Authors will be notified of the abstract selection results no later than December 31, 2019 (Tuesday). Second phase abstract selection results will announce by May 30, 2020 (Saturday).
    16. Authors may be given the option to change the format of their presentation as a condition for acceptance.
    17. The Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology holds the copyright to all the materials presented at the Congress and may reproduce the materials in any form for distribution.
    18. Chinese abstract submission is open online until January 15, 2020 (Wednesday) at

Submitted Instruction Courses

  1. A course outline in less than 100 words should be submitted.
  2. There should be no more than five instructors per instruction course.
  3. AUTHORS FIRST AUTHOR – The first author will be the chief instructor. The first author should submit a brief biography of himself/herself, stating his/her expertise in less than 300 words.
  4. Please provide an accurate email address for the submitter. Abstract submission results and abstract-related correspondence will be sent by email to the submitter.
  5. CO-AUTHOR(S) – A maximum of FOUR co-instructors are allowed for each abstract. Type in the names and affiliations as you would like them to appear in any publication. Please give the names in full for each of the co-instructors. Initials are only accepted for middle names if any.
  6. Both the chief instructor and the co-instructors are expected to register and pay the full registration fee, attend the Congress and make the presentations. The chief instructor MUST obtain the co-instructors’ consent before submitting their names.
  7. Upon successful submission, the chief instructor cannot be changed unless there are extenuating circumstances. Requests must be made in writing by the chief instructor to the Secretariat Office addressing the Scientific Program Committee Chair at least 1 month before the Congress. Permission will be granted at the sole discretion of the Scientific Program Committee Chair.
  8. Instruction courses on clinical sciences should present current and reasonably established information. Controversies and unestablished concepts should be submitted as free paper or poster presentations.

Submitted Free Papers, Posters & Videos

  1. Please select the right category for the abstract.
  2. Free paper submissions include an oral presentation. Any accepted authors will need to present a talk of 5 – 8 minutes during the APAO Congress.
  3. If ‘Free Paper’ is selected to be first preference, and secondary preference ‘Poster’ or ‘E-Poster’ is chosen, authors will have the opportunity to have the abstract reviewed for poster or e-poster presentation in the event that it is not accepted for free paper presentation.
  4. After submitting a video abstract, the first author must upload the video onto congress system by October 17, 2019 /May 3, 2020.
  5. All videos should be within 8 minutes in MP4 format.
  6. Videos will be evaluated based on their scientific merits, educational values, originality, quality, conciseness, audio-visual effects, editing skills, etc.


Before submission, please check:

  1. If the abstract has a concise, descriptive title;
  2. If the study has sufficient data leading to conclusive outcomes;
  3. If the names of any affiliated institutes, academic institutions, hospitals, eye centers and individuals involved in the study have been removed;
  4. If the abstract states clearly the purpose, methods, results and conclusions of the study;
  5. If the study is conducted in a methodologically correct way;
  6. If the abstract is proofread and/or edited by a native speaker of English (English abstract);
  7. If the abstract is within the word limit;
  8. If financial disclosures for each of the authors are made.

Online Submission

Submit English abstract now via the APAO 2020 Congress system. Submit Now!